407.836.7350 [email protected]

District 2

People of Wekiwa Springs

An organization dedicated to building community in the Wekiwa Springs area, resolving issues that adversely affect our neighborhood, protecting our property values & enhancing our residents’ lives.

Calendar of Events


Strategic Plan


Wekiwa Spring Area

A) Infrastructure

County Role

1. Upgrade major street lighting to LED

a. Votaw Road to get streetlights

b. Welch Road streetlights

c. Thompson Road lighting

2. Sidewalk addition/repair – Thompson & Votaw


Community Responsibility

1. Corridor Maintenance

2. Corridor of the Year Contest

Leader: Jeff Englebrecht – Votaw Rd 2023

B. Economic

1. Voluntary HOA for Wekiwa Manor

2. Petition to CVS to upgrade ocation to a “health hub”

3. Continue to work with non-HOA communities on entranceways through Corridor of the Year, Corridor Cheif program ad other efforts for grants, organize and decorate for holidays

4. Establish neighborhoos events at local businesses (including Riverwalk)

C. Safety

1. Reduce littering is number one goal (we will work with local schools and business to adopt a stretch of road to clean overseen by corridor captains)

2. Voluntary HOAs develop by-laws (should address safety & number of rental homes)

3. Reach out to local law enforcement to attend POWS meetings and then drill down to HOA neighborhood meetings to introduce neighborhood watch and CPTD

D) Social

1. Wekiva Area mailed newsletter (1 per yr)

2. Neighborhood Collaborative dinner

3. Add pertinent info to the website to increase resident involvement and encourage residents within our own HOAs/Neighborhoods to get involved.

E) Sustainability

1. Septic to Sewer MSBU

2. Have speakers at POWS on Fertilizer Ordinance and encourage speakers to come to neighborhood meetings

3. Encourage more involvement in our own HOAs/neighborhoods with POWS

Corridor of the Year Entry

2021 Wekiva Springs Road – Winner

In this first year of the Corridor of the Year contest, the residents of Wekiwa Springs came out fighting and won. This contest predated their creation of the community groups People of Wekiwa Springs, but they banded together and got the job done.  Well done, Wekiwa Springs!

2022 Thompson Road

While our efforts to make Thompson Road the winner of the Corridor of the Year Contest was unsuccessful, our Rolling Oaks neighborhood won the Neighborhood of the Year Award. Hooray for Rolling Oaks and all the work they did in 2022 to make this possible and a special thank you to all of the people of Wekiwa Springs and our 2 high schools – Wekiva High School and Apopka High School – for their help in cleaning up our corridor.

2023 E Votaw Road

This year the People of Wekiwa Springs are going to try their hand at Votaw Road –  from Wekiwa Springs Road to Thompson Road.  They have already scheduled their cleanup events and be prepared to see them out working on the corridor each month.  They are determined to win back the Corridor trophy this year!

Corridor Chiefs

Corridor Name Chief
N Wekiwa Springs Rd Richard Lippert
N. Lake Pleasant Rd George Middleton
N. Thompson Rd Mondean & Debbie Mills
E Welsh Road Kathy Marsh & David Robinson
Votaw Road Christine Pratt & Pat Russell
E. Semoran Blvd TBD
N. Line Drive TBD
Chrisitiana St. Gene Knight
Sandpiper St. TBD
Ustler St. TBD
S. Wekiva Springs Rd. Gale Hoover Richmond


Other Business

Special 2023 Project

  • Mural at Apopka Gas Station at corner of Votaw & Thompson roads
  • Inaugural Easter Egg Hunt at the fire department property at Votaw & Thompson


  • Seeking special appropriation for Wekiwa Springs Park & West Orange Trail Connector.  See Study.

Third-Place Projects

  • Historical marker erected across from WS State Park (in partnership with Don Philpot and Robert Brooks) – Projected 2023

Board of Directors & Minutes

Board of Directors

President – Sue Henesy

Vice President – Debby Stevens

Treasurer – Deborah Peterson

Secretary – Bob Samson

Director at Large – Christine Moore

Cleanup/COY: Jeff Engelbrecht

Membership: Debbie Mills

Events: Christine Moore

Social Media: Gale Hoover Richmond

Minutes of Meetings

Wekiwa Springs May 2023 Meeting Minutes

Had our painting drawing and discussed print sales ideas. Septic to Sewer conversion discussed. POWS May 2023 Meeting Minutes in pdf POWS May 2023 Sewer Presentation in pdf

Wekiwa Springs February 2023 Meeting Minutes

Had HOA Pres. of The Palms talk about their main entrance overhaul. Also had Trevor’s Trees discuss his help on cleanup. Finally David Gregory of OC Utilities and Solid Waste spoke on collection services.