
District 2

People of Wekiva Springs

An organization dedicated to building community in the Wekiwa Springs area, resolving issues that adversely affect our neighborhood, protecting our property values & enhancing our residents’ lives.

Wekiwa Springs December 2022 Monthly Meeting

Dec 7, 2022 | People of Wekiwa Monthly Meeting

Minutes of Meeting of POWS (People of Wekiwa Springs)
Date: 12/6/2022
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Wekiva Springs Baptist Church, 584 N Wekiwa Springs Rd, Apopka, FL 32712
Attending: Separate list collected of those attending meeting
Meeting introductions run by Sue Henesy
Jeff Engelbrecht reviewed plans for the next workday. It will be at the corner of Votaw and Thompson Rd, working on the lot that the old house was removed from. Clean up and mowing.
A brief introduction on our local State Representative, Doug Bankston
Caitlin Kasheta, founder of Kasheta Farms located at 841 Votaw Rd. Apopka, FL 32703 spoke on her 501c3 farm. Specializing in locally grown foods, farm experiences for children, and craft shows. Open house Dec 11, 10 am to 2 pm. They typically have events the 2nd Sunday of the month.
Joe Martinez, store manager of Sprouts Farmers Market spoke on Sprouts concerts and community goals. Provided a sample gift to attendees.e
A local artist Delia Miller spoke on plans to add a mural to an outside wall of the convenience store located at Votaw and Thompson Rd. Delia is soliciting ideas and will also work to provide POWS opportunities to help produce the mural. Her number is (407) 920-4832.
Taylor Laurent reviewed several studies on both trail extensions and road alterations. These can be seen at MetroplanOrlando.org/RockSprings/. It was noted by several resid1􀀒nts that the portion of the trail planned for connecting Wekiwa Springs State Park to Rock Springs trail is poorly routed behind the homes on the corner of Wekiwa Springs Road and Welch Rd. The trail exposes homes to bike and foot traffic. The path also exposes walkers and bikers to wildlife encounters.
Christine Moore stated that POWS meetings will be held the 1st Tuesday of the month.
The meeting was closed at 8:15 pm

Secretary, Bob Samson

Below are pdf copies of the meeting for printing and saving

Minutes of the Meeting

Powerpoint (as a pdf) of West Orange Trail Extension Study

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